Saturday 9 April 2016


01. People have been heard invoking in an unknown language, at night in the forest, while strange green lights were seen floating around. A couple of days afterward, a poacher who used to operate in the forest was found ritually murdered, his body bound to a dead tree trunk.

02. A chapel (dedicated to some honorable, official religion) was found desecrated, with satanic inscriptions and occult symbols written on the walls, and the deity's statue has been destroyed and covered in excrement.

03. The mayor (or any other rather well known local figure) has become somewhat different lately, being more aggressive, forbidding people to lurk near the circle of standing stones, and sometimes disappearing and never giving any explanation. He is also now always wearing a scarf around the neck in any situation. Someone pretends he once noticed a mark (like a tattoo) on his skin under the scarf. 

04. The cemetery keeps needing to hire gravediggers, and the unemployed are very happy.

05. Grave diggers keep running off and leaving town, and not a word has been heard from them.

06. A really nice bunch of strangers have been giving free food to the poor and helping them get on their feet. The food is strange and from a distant land fuel of exotic and strange meat. 

07. Young people seem more serious of late, and wanting to make more roles of responsibility in the cities defense. A charismatic young man is telling them to do good for society, however he has had some conflicts with some the town clergy.

Dragonsfoot An online association of older pencil & paper RPG fans, specifically fans of Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, and other 1980's TSR games, and modern derivatives of such games. It' also notorious for the many internet flame wars that have resulted from it's members rather conservative views on the game,and the debates over the current and older rules.

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