Friday 7 June 2024

Idiom Chart by Scholz

 Ed Scholz Lesson of the Day (Month/Year?)

Idiom (Original Language)English TranslationLiteral Translation
Tomber dans les pommes (French)To faintTo fall into the apples
Costar un ojo de la cara (Spanish)To cost an arm and a legTo cost an eye from the face
Have a donkey on the roof (Swedish: Ha en åsna på taket)To have a problemTo have a donkey on the roof
Schläfen den Hund (German)To beat around the bushTo beat the dog
Perdre la boule (French)To go crazyTo lose the ball
Fazer uma tempestade em um copo de água (Portuguese)To make a mountain out of a molehillTo make a storm in a glass of water
Girare i tacchi (Italian)To turn on one's heelsTo turn on one's heels (literally)
Hacerse el sueco (Spanish)To play dumbTo pretend to be Swedish
Foutre le camp (French)To take offTo put the camp away
Maken een berg van een molshoop (Dutch)To make a mountain out of a molehillTo make a mountain out of an anthill
Let me know if you'd like me to add more!

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