Saturday 1 June 2024

 Toronto Volunteer Centre

The Toronto Volunteer Centre (TVC) is a nonprofit organization that connects volunteers with nonprofit organizations and charities in Toronto. They offer a range of services, including:
Volunteer Matching: TVC matches volunteers with organizations that need help, including those that support people with disabilities.
Volunteer Opportunities: They offer a variety of volunteer opportunities, such as:
  • Friendly visiting
  • Grocery shopping
  • Light housekeeping
  • Meal preparation
  • Errands
  • Social support
How to Access Support:
  1. Contact TVC by phone (416-961-6888) or email (
  2. Discuss your needs with a TVC representative
  3. They will match you with a suitable volunteer
  • Free service
  • Flexible volunteer support (one-time, short-term, or ongoing)
  • Opportunities for social interaction and connection
  • Open to Toronto residents
  • Priority given to seniors, people with disabilities, and those with limited financial resources
Additional Resources:
  • TVC also offers resources and support for nonprofit organizations and charities, including volunteer management and training.
By contacting the Toronto Volunteer Centre, you can access volunteer support for small tasks and connect with others in your community!

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