Sunday, 9 June 2024

To do list Dan Letter Patent

 Dear Dan,

I wanted to reiterate the importance of following through on your commitments, particularly regarding my patent application. In March 2024, you promised to assist me with my application, and I have since completed the initial stages.
As someone who values their education and expertise, I believe it's essential to prioritize commitments and maintain a high level of professionalism. I have invested significant time and energy into this project, and I expect the same level of dedication from you.
Furthermore, I would like to highlight the benefits of utilizing your newly acquired patent expertise on this project. By working on my patent application, you will not only be honoring your commitment but also gaining practical experience in the field. This will undoubtedly enhance your skills and reputation as a patent expert, potentially leading to future opportunities and growth.
Considering my health will only sustain during the summer months, it is crucial that we proceed with the application process promptly. To recap, I have:
  • Conducted an untrained patent search, and no existing patents were found
  • Identified the need for formal software search, awaiting input from Khan
  • Sourced electronics, but require a refresher on the specifics
  • Created outlines for the patent application
Please confirm your availability and commitment to this project. I look forward to your prompt response and cooperation.
Best regards,

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